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----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Q-jumpers <siegholle@gmail.com>
To: respondfeedbacknow@yahoo.ca
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 7:46:13 AM
Subject: [ProActive Rants] mistakes lead to success
"For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again…."1
Many years ago, in much younger days, I used to work in construction. On a construction site in which I was in charge I made what to me was a whopping error and was scared to death to tell my boss. Fortunately for me when I did tell him, he simply said, "Dick, the man who never made a mistake never made anything!"
What a relief it was to know my "error" was forgiven! Then we set about to correct my mistake.
I think it was Robert Schuller who said, "A high jumper never knows how high he can jump until he reaches a failure point." That's a good point, for we too will never know how high we can reach in fulfilling our personal goals until we also reach a failure point.
In fact, we probably learn a lot more through our failures than we do through our successes. The important thing when we fail is to get up, learn from our mistake, and go on to achieve better things. As another has said, "Not failure, but low aim is crime."
Posted By Q-jumpers to ProActive Rants at 6/22/2009 07:43:00 AM
From: Q-jumpers <siegholle@gmail.com>
To: respondfeedbacknow@yahoo.ca
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 7:46:13 AM
Subject: [ProActive Rants] mistakes lead to success
"For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again…."1
Many years ago, in much younger days, I used to work in construction. On a construction site in which I was in charge I made what to me was a whopping error and was scared to death to tell my boss. Fortunately for me when I did tell him, he simply said, "Dick, the man who never made a mistake never made anything!"
What a relief it was to know my "error" was forgiven! Then we set about to correct my mistake.
I think it was Robert Schuller who said, "A high jumper never knows how high he can jump until he reaches a failure point." That's a good point, for we too will never know how high we can reach in fulfilling our personal goals until we also reach a failure point.
In fact, we probably learn a lot more through our failures than we do through our successes. The important thing when we fail is to get up, learn from our mistake, and go on to achieve better things. As another has said, "Not failure, but low aim is crime."
Posted By Q-jumpers to ProActive Rants at 6/22/2009 07:43:00 AM
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