Tuesday, May 27, 2008

To do or not to do that is question?

The my job is doing nothing , my job is doing anything approach and debate to life challenges

Do opposites attract ? -The do nothing (hopeless) vs the do anything (can do) group of people . ....Sometimes they attract each other - but only for a limited time . One group sucks energy and is an wasteful,energy vampire - the other group has only so much add value energy or blood to give and ends up restricting their energy to the do nothing group in self defense. It is true that a discharged battery of energy has no vitality, no spark and cannot add value to anything. A spent force has little force-a force that nobody desires , respects . wants or fears. Despite the fact that the people around you right now might be less than thrilled about what is going on, you have to keep your bright outlook! Don't join in with others who might be throwing a great big pity party -life is tough and unfair party - they are never much fun after everyone agrees to be to be miserable. Let other people live under a cloud while you choose to stay hopeful and focused on going where it is that you want to go. Of course, you need to be prepared to go there by yourself.

Despite the fact that the people around you right now might be less than thrilled about what is going on, you have to keep your bright outlook! Don't join in with others who might be throwing a great big pity party -life is tough and unfair party - they are never much fun after everyone agrees to be miserable. Let other people live under a cloud while you choose to stay hopeful and focused on going where it is that you want to go. Of course, you need to be prepared to go there by yourself.

As the great, wise American scholar Rocky Balboa once said "It's not how hard you hit, it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." If that statement doesn't sum up the life we all face I don't know what does. Through each challenge and failure we must stay hopeful and know that failure always leads to a better future if we have an attitude of faith, are open to the possibilities and trust that new and exciting opportunities are coming our way. We have to look at failure not as a dead end but rather as a detour to a better outcome than we could have ever imagined.

If you are experiencing a failure , a personal crisis, right now at work or home please know you are not alone. If you haven't failed you haven't lived. It's time to ask what you can learn from your failure. What is it teaching you about yourself and your team? Realize it's all a test. Then it's time to fail forward, let the do nothing bags off the relationship bus, step on the gas pedal, and travel light. Your do-it destiny is always waiting for you! How will you fail forward? Start doing something or anything about it , your job is never to do nothing -a sure fire , pityful , real dead end situation to nowhere. Stay Positive!

Do something ,anything is better then nothing ! Surround yourself with positive influences ,people . opportunities, adventures and re-energize yourself.

Sieg Holle ( my next hellium article - proving that negative vibes can turn positive-with fall forward results

About the author
Siegfried Holle, BS, M.B.A , is a seasoned business consultant and entrepreneur , who gives enterprising people the confidence, support knowledge and action plans they need to start, run and grow their own lucrative independent entrepreneurial businesses - much sooner and more easily than they could by themselves. For information, resources, more business survival tip articles and a complimentary new business recommendation, contact the author at siegholle@gmail.com or visit his latest opportunity site

A professional business leader registered in the National Registers Who's Who in the executives and professionals' classification, Holle holds an M.B.A. in marketing and logistics from Indiana University and a B.S. in business with honors. He is a serial business and social entrepreneur, with extensive experience in real life client challenges.

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